Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Newberry Heritage Park Master Planning Process

Kitsap County Parks Department is developing the master plan for Newberry Heritage Park. Newberry Heritage Park (NHP) will eventually encompass 1000 acres, 75% of which must remain in a natural state. This means that the park will use primarily for trails and passive recreational use. There is already 20 miles of trails in the park for mountain biking and other use.

At this point in the process, the County is taking suggestions on use. Local riders and are urging people to let the County know that passive use, including trail riding, is preferred. They are not collecting demographic information at this time, so all comments are welcome.

Please e-mail County planners at and let them know that trails and trail access are important.

The master planning process is scheduled to be complete sometime in June 2010 and submitted to the County commissioners

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